Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fairy Tales

We will begin our fourth, and final, writing unit next Monday.  This is a Narrative Unit about Fairy Tales, both original and fractured.  In preparation for this upcoming unit, we have been reading lots of different fairy tales!  Today the kiddos worked in groups to read a fairy tale, and then complete a graphic organizer about the text they read.  I modeled this using the fairy tale "The Princess and the Frog."  Check out the reading together, and their final products below!

Math MAP - Day 2

Friday, April 25, 2014

Can You Guess Who????

Mystery Reader - Anthony's Mom

Anthony's mom read us two of their family's favorite books, "Little Pea" and "Little Oink".  They are very cute stories, and the kids enjoyed them!  They really enjoyed getting the 5 pieces of candy to eat since Little Pea HAD to eat 5 pieces of candy for dinner!  Thanks soooo much for visiting our room today, and sharing these great stories!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fact Fries

These Fact Fries might look yummy, but you can't eat them!  We are learning the difference between facts and opinions, and created these projects to show what we know!