Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Leader of the Week - Ryan

Guess who????

Mystery Reader - Gavin's Mom

Thanks for sharing the funny book, "Peanut Butter and Homework Sandwiches", with us!!!  We enjoyed listening to the story!  However, I think the left/right game that went with the story "Lefty's Undone Chores" was a bigger hit!!  Thanks for planning a fun game for us to lay, and for the M&M's treat!!!  :)

Check out These Hard Working Writers!!!


Above is an example of a structure we can use in our writing called "Boxes and Bullets."

Above is another structure we learned that helps us compare things.  It's called a "Venn Diagram."

This is another structure we learned called a "Pros and Cons" list.

This is an example of a Table of Contents.

The above two pictures are examples of drawings with labels in our writing.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Math Games

Playing Color Twenty
Playing Coin War

Playing Calender Conventration

Playing Math Quiz Game Show on the iPads

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Science - Ecosystems

We began our next Science Chapter today with an introduction to Ecosystems!  Check out what animal or plant these kiddos want to be, where they will live, and what they will need!